Archive for May 2nd, 2010


#122 COG

122/365 COG, originally uploaded by rosipaw.

By chance, I saw this march of young soldiers in the street. Locals later told me that it was the changing the guard (COG – Singaporeans love acronyms) in front of the Presiden’ts residence. This parade takes place on the first Sunday of every month. I was there to see the new guard start their march in Orchard Road towards their guard post.

I like the way the movement of the arms is visible here. It was all done with exact precision with a military band in front to set the pace. Not a surprise to see this in a country as organized and regimented as Singapore. The soldiers look very young – possibly because Singapore has a conscript army where all the boys have to serve for 2 years, starting at the age of 18-19.


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